Local Government Energy Savers Project

With the support of Sustainability Victoria, the Council participated in the Local Government Energy Savers Project to establish a corporate emissions profile and energy reduction plan. Energy audits were undertaken on several council buildings to establish recommendations for reducing energy use.

During 2018 and 2019, the Council implemented $200,000 worth of upgrades and solar installs at five facilities as recommended in the energy audits, with Sustainability Victoria providing 50% of the funding. The upgrades detailed below are expected to result in annual electricity savings of around $50,000 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 250 tonnes.

Our very own Senior Citizens group feature in this Sustainability Victoria video about the Local Government Energy Savers Project

Senior Citizens Centre solar panels

 The Senior Citizens Centre solar panel installation was completed as part of the Local Government Energy Savers Project

Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Learning Centre

  • 60kw Solar PV system installed
  • LED lighting upgrade, motion sensors in toilets
  • Reflective film on north west corner windows
  • Remote electrical consumption monitor 

Senior Citizens 

  • 27kw Solar PV system installed
  • LED lighting upgrade

Art Gallery

  • LED lighting upgrade, including the specialist lighting in the gallery spaces
  • Upgrades to the air conditioning systems
  • Motion sensors installed in the storeroom

Town Hall

  • LED lighting upgrade, motion sensors in toilets


  • LED lighting upgrade to offices