You’ll need a planning permit to develop land for commercial or industrial use. There are many factors to consider in the use or development of commercial or industrial land. Use this guide to ensure your permit application addresses each of the criteria we need to consider.
To submit an application for a permit to display advertising signs, you'll need to include:
- A covering letter and an up-to-date copy of title (less than six months old)
- Site plan
- Elevations
- Supporting information
Use the navigational structure on the top of this page to learn more about the requirements of each of these elements. Note that this is a guide and more information may be required when you lodge your application.
If you’re unsure about whether you need a planning permit, we can help. Call to book an appointment to explore your permit requirements.
Please note that the materials you submit with your application, including plans, will be made available for public view. Copies may be made to interested parties for consideration and review as part of the planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
It is important that you discuss your proposal with us before you submit your application to avoid potential delays or disappointments during the planning process.
Cover Letter
Outline your proposal with as much detail as possible about the intended use or development. You need to include a covering letter that includes all the details about your intended operation and how you plan to use or develop the land.
Copy of Title
It’s a requirement under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Section 47 (1)(d)) that you provide an up-to-date copy of title with any planning permit application. If the application is for a permit to remove or vary the title in any way, or if the permit would breach any covenant, you’ll need to include all of this information in your application.
You'll need to submit:
- Three copies of fully dimensioned plans, at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200 (including one full-colour copy)
- One copy of plans must be A4 or A3 sized (also to scale) for copying
- It would help if you could submit an electronic copy of all plans in PDF format on CD
You need to submit a full site plan, showing:
- The north point
- The boundaries and dimensions of the site
- The location of existing buildings on site
- The location, layout and use of proposed buildings
- Mature trees and other significant vegetation to be removed or retained
- Roads adjoining the site
- Location of all existing and proposed signs, including setbacks from boundaries
The plan needs to detail elevations, showing:
- Elevations of every sign, including dimensions, materials, content and colours
- When signs are located on buildings, including the relevant building elevations
- The height of the sign above natural ground level
- Details of supporting structures
- Details of illumination or animation.
Each sign needs to be detailed, including:
- Elevations
- Dimensions
- Materials
- Content
- Colours
- Relevant building elevations if the sign is mounted
- Details of supporting structures
- The height of the sign above natural ground level
- Details of any illumination or animation
For us to be able to quickly inspect the site:
- Provide a photograph of the site from the street
- Mark the site clearly with a sign showing the street number
- Peg out the location of the development and tape any vegetation to be removed
- If the height of the development may be an issue, erect height poles to indicate the height of the proposed development
- Advise whether access to the site needs to be prearranged (for example, if there are locked gates at the site)