Tenders & Quotations

Benalla Rural City Council uses an e-tendering website to procure goods and services and manage tendering activities and quotations. Here, you can check on current and awarded tenders. The site is secure, so in order to submit a tender you must register first. Registration is free and the site is easy to use. If you have issues logging in or downloading documents from the website, please call e-Procure on 1800 377 628.

Tenders and quotes must be submitted electronically through the e-tendering website. Benalla Rural City Council cannot accept hardcopy submissions.

Access the Benalla Rural City Council's e-tendering website.

How to upload a tender response via the e-tender portal

 Submit tender responses using the following step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in (under ‘Member Login’) using your email and password.
  2. Click on the tender, which will take you to the ‘Tender Details’ tab if you have already registered your interest.
  3. Click on the ‘Response’ tab.
  4. Scroll down until you see the heading ‘Response Documents’. Under this heading, you will see a button called ‘+Add files’.


response documents.png


Please note: If you are using the web browser Safari and need to upload multiple files simultaneously, you will need to zip your files prior to uploading.

 Click the ‘+Add files’ button, then click ‘Browse’ and find your files. You can select multiple files or repeat this step.

  1. Click ‘Open’. This will begin the process of uploading, which will appear as a box below the main page. You will be able to see the percentage as the file uploads. The percentage bar will turn green and say ‘COMPLETE’ when the file is ready to be submitted.
  2. Click ‘Save and Submit’ at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Successful submissions will show ‘Thank you for your Submission’ and will receive an email confirmation.