Chief Executive Officer

Image of Benalla Rural City Council's CEO, Dom Testoni The Chief Executive division oversees the running of the entire organisation. This includes the oversight of the Divisions of Corporate and Community and Development and Environment. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is also responsible for the department of Arts, Communications, Tourism and Events and for business development.

Dom Testoni commenced in the role of CEO of the Benalla Rural City Council in January 2019. 

Prior to coming to Benalla, Dom worked for the seven Councils in the Limestone Coast in South Australia where he lead regional lobbying and advocacy as well as overseeing a range of collaborative projects including tourism and brand management, climate adaptation, waste infrastructure planning and education, economic development, road safety, sport and recreation and transport and infrastructure planning.

Dom has been involved with Local Government since 2004, initially as an elected member with the Griffith City Council in NSW.  In addition to his local government experience, Dom has a twenty year history working in agribusiness across New South Wales and Queensland and also has experience with the not-for-profit and natural resource management sectors.  

To contact our CEO, please email or call 03 5760 2600.