Differential Ratings


The Council uses the different property types to ensure all rateable land makes an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out of the functions of the Council. Broadly, your rate payments go toward:

  • Construction and maintenance of public infrastructure,
  • Development and provision of health and community services, and
  • Provision of general administration and support services


Type or class of land


Residential (Benalla) properties


Residential (Rural Township) properties


Business properties


Vacant Land (Benalla) properties


Vacant Land (Rural Township) properties


Rural (Non Farming) properties


Rural (Farmland) properties




Residential (Benalla) properties

Types and Classes:  Any land used primarily for residential purposes

Level of Rate: 0.003314

Amount of Rates Raised: $7,181,073

Proportion of Total Rates: 45.48 per cent

Geographic Location:   Situated in the Benalla urban area.

Use of Land: Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • LDRZ - Low Density Residential Zone
  • GRZ - General Residential Zone
  • UFZ - Urban Floodway Zone
  • MUZ - Mixed Use Zone

Residences established on other zones with existing non-conforming rights are also eligible for inclusion in this category.

Types of Buildings:  All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry of the Financial Year.


Residential (Rural Township) properties

Types and Classes:  Land used primarily for residential purposes

Level of Rate: 0.002589

Amount of Rates Raised: $211,151

Proportion of Total Rates: 1.34 per cent

Geographic Location:  Situated in a Rural Township location.

Use of Land:  Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • TZ - Township Zone
  • LDRZ - Low Density Residential Zone.

Residences established in other zones with existing non-conforming rights are also eligible for inclusion in this category. Properties located adjacent to established Township precincts, with a land area of generally less than 5ha and located in the Form Zone - FZ, will be included in this category.

Types of Buildings:  All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry of the Financial Year.


Business Properties

Types and Classes:  Any land used primarily for a commercial or industrial business purpose

Level of Rate: 0.005406

Amount of Rates Raised: $2,358,670

Proportion of Total Rates: 14.94 per cent
Geographic Location:  Wherever located within the municipal district.

Use of Land: Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • C1Z - Commercial One Zone
  • C2Z - Commercial Two Zone
  • IN1Z - Industrial One Zone
  • IN2Z - Industrial Two Zone
  • TZ - Township Zone
  • IN3Z - Industrial Three Zone
  • MUZ - Mixed Use Zone

Businesses established in other zones (i.e. GRZ - General Residential Zone) with existing no-conforming rights are also eligible for inclusion in this category.

Types of Buildings:  All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry of the Financial Year.


Vacant Land (Benalla) properties

Types and Classes:  Any land on which no improvements (excluding sheds and other minor constructions) have been constructed and where a permit to build a dwelling is assured.

Level of Rate: 0.004821

Amount of Rates Raised: $405,591

Proportion of Total Rates: 2.57 per cent

Geographic Location: Situated in the Benalla urban area.

Use of Land: Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • LDRZ - Low Density Residential Zone (situated adjacent to the Benalla urban area)
  • GRZ - General Residential Zone
  • MUZ - Mixed Use Zone


Vacant Land (Rural Township) properties

Types and Classes:  Any land on which no improvements (excluding sheds and other minor constructions) have been constructed

Level of Rate: 0.002405

Amount of Rates Raised: $9,702

Proportion of Total Rates: 0.06 per cent

Geographic Location:  Situated in a Rural Township location.

Use of Land:   Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • TZ - Township Zone
  • LDRZ - Low Density Residential Zone (situated in a Rural Township)

Properties located adjacent to established township precincts, with a land area of generally less than 5ha and located in the Farm Zone - FZ, will be included in this category.


Rural (Non Farming) properties

Types and Classes:  Any land used primarily for rural living and/or non-farming purposes

Level of Rate: 0.002416

Amount of Rates Raised: $2,022,948

Proportion of Total Rates: 12.81 per cent

Geographic Location:  Situated in a rural location (excluding areas immediately adjacent to rural township precincts) within the municipal district.

Use of Land:  Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • RLZ - Rural Living Zone
  • FZ - Farming Zone
  • FCZ - Rural Conservation Zone
  • UFZ - Urban Floodway Zone

Types of Buildings:  All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry of the Financial Year.


Rural (Farmland) properties

Types and Classes:  Any land which is ‘farm land’ within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Valuation of Land Act 1960. A property considered farmland is: 

  • 2ha or greater in area unless it forms part of a larger farming enterprise
  • Used for one or a combination of the listed farming pursuits
  • Primarily used by a business with a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character
  • Operates with the intention and prospect of making a profit from its farming activities

Properties between 2ha and 40ha, unless that property forms part of a larger farming enterprise of 40ha or more, need to complete an Application for Farm Rate to be approved prior to inclusion in the Rural-Farmland category. Properties of 40ha or more are automatically allocated to the Rural-Farmland category.

Level of Rate: 0.001893

Amount of Rates Raised: $3,600,643

Proportion of Total Rates: 22.81 per cent

Geographic Location:  Wherever located within the municipal district.

Use of Land:  Any use permitted under the Benalla Planning Scheme.

Planning Scheme Zoning:  The zoning applicable to each rateable land within this category, as determined by the Benalla Planning Scheme, includes:

  • FZ - Farming Zone
  • RCZ - Rural Conservation Zone or subject to an approved land use activity
  • RLZ - Rural Living Zone
  • LDRZ - Low Density Residential Zone
  • IN1Z - Industrial One Zone

Types of Buildings:  All buildings which are now constructed on the land or which are constructed prior to the expiry of the Financial Year.